
Want to be a top wealth manager? Study economics at Oxford University

Ahead of the inaugural Twenty Most Influential in Wealth Management list, FN has looked at where our leading executives were educated

Oxford remains a hotbed of investing talent
Oxford remains a hotbed of investing talent Photo: Getty Images

To view the Twenty Most Influential in Wealth Management, head to on 4 November or sign up for our Lists and Awards newsletter.

If you want to rise to the top of the wealth management sector, studying economics at a UK university is a good place to start.

Financial News will publish its inaugural Twenty Most Influential in Wealth Management list on 4 November, recognising senior staff at wealth managers and private banks, as well as lawyers and investment bankers that work in the sector.

Of the 18 people on the list whose alma mater FN was able to identify, 11 studied in the UK. Five of those executives studied economics. Two other senior leaders studied economics in other global locations, although both of those did joint degrees with other subjects.

The University of Oxford was the most popular location, with three wealth management leaders having completed undergraduate studies there. Two of them studied philosophy, politics and economics, known in the UK as the degree of choice among MPs, including former prime ministers David Cameron, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.

No other higher education institution featured more than once.

All the UK universities bar one are part of the Russell Group, which describes its 24 member institutions as “world-class”.


Financial services companies have been working to improve social mobility as part of efforts to become more diverse and inclusive. Many have started looking beyond the elite universities when hiring or are taking on people without a university education.

Earlier this year, JPMorgan said it was seeking to recruit from beyond the top universities for its operations division, with candidates being assessed on skills rather than education. Late last year, PwC announced measures to improve social mobility among staff, including salary advances for the first month’s pay for school leavers and graduates.

Outside the UK, the executives on the list studied in Australia, France, Italy, Spain, South Africa and Switzerland.

To view the Twenty Most Influential in Wealth Management head to on 4 November or sign up for our Lists and Awards newsletter.

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