
BlackRock’s Martin Parkes: ‘The start of my career was disturbing. I was told to put my identity away’

Finance firms can propel careers of LGBTQIA+ employees by collecting data, says the BlackRock leader

Martin Parkes: ‘We often talk about microaggressions but microallyship can be equally powerful’
Martin Parkes: ‘We often talk about microaggressions but microallyship can be equally powerful’

Financial News’s inaugural Pride of Finance list celebrates coming out at work stories of senior figures who have led by example to champion LGBTQIA+ inclusion. See the full list here.

It took Martin Parkes, managing director and co-head of EU public policy at BlackRock, a decade before he felt comfortable to come out at work. The co-chair of the global asset manager’s Out&Allies Network said that when he became confident in his professional abilities he decided he would be open about his private life. 

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