Latest News
Former star stockpicker claims matters were taken out of his hands once his flagship Equity Income fund was suspended in June 2019
Inside the personalities that helped shape this year
1 min read
Asset Management
More asset managers are expected to make acquisitions to add muscle to their private markets capabilities
2 min read
Investment Banking
The UK lender is expected to increase bonuses for trading and investment banking staff
1 min read
Standard Chartered’s CFO on ‘trying something new’, boosting the share price and the importance of cross-selling
Celebrities joined brokers at TP ICAP for its annual charity drive
This year is unlikely to be a ‘vintage’ for bonuses, as asset management firms continue to keep a close eye on costs amid heavy fund outflows
Shruti Tripathi Chopra, Justin Cash and Kristen McGachey lauded for their work
Progress over the past few years on improving gender diversity seems to be stalling. There needs to be a renewed focus on creating a diverse pipeline of talent